Our Vision

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
5 October, 2022 | 2 min for reading

OpenBOM is a Digital Network Platform that Manages Product Data And Connects Manufacturers and Their Supply Chain Networks

OpenBOM has thousand of users and customers worldwide. Our development team uses the latest agile product development methods and release a new version of OpenBOM with customer driven improvements, new features and capabilities, and bug fixes every month. We offer the most responsive customer support available via product embedded tools and 24/7 online support.


OpenBOM is located in Greater Boston, MA. Our engineering team is located in U.S.A. and  Eastern Europe

Our founders



Bio: Oleg is Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at OpenBOM. Oleg has been building software products for data management, engineering, and manufacturing for the last 25 years. He has developed PDM and PLM software and worked for companies such as SmarTeam (acquired by Dassault Systemes), Dassault Systemes ENOVIA, Inforbix (acquired by Autodesk) and Autodesk. His passion for the manufacturing industry and new technologies led him to start working on OpenBOM. Oleg is an author of Beyond PLM (https://beyondplm.com/), a leading source of information and comments about engineering and manufacturing software for the last 10 years. He is also a consultant and advisor to a number of startups and industrial companies.



Bio: Chris joined OpenBOM from the first day. His 30 years of experience in engineering and software architecture including leading engineering roles in companies EMC, Nokia, Everbridge. His passion in data management and semantic technologies connected him to Oleg’s previous startup and inspired them to start OpenBOM journey together.



Bio: Vic is Co-founder of OpenBOM. His 30 years of experience in engineering, sales and business including key roles in companies Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Graphics, IOmega and Autodesk. He was COO at Inforbix (acquired by Autodesk in 2012). In his free time, he enjoys living in the Great White North Mountains (also known as New Hampshire). Vic retired as OpenBOM COO in April 2018, but continues to serve as an advisor to OpenBOM.

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