It is a very strange time. Social distancing. You can save the world by staying at home. We are afraid to meet people, we are afraid to make contacts. And we work from home. Interesting, it was always true for the OpenBOM team. We are a virtual team and company. But now it feels different and this is how I came to a decision that it is the right time to bring a video blog to OpenBOM.
OpenBOM was born as a cloud company and from very early days, our team was completely remote distributed in multiple locations. We’ve been working using daily video calls and Slack messages and we use cloud infrastructure to build a product. So, COVID-19 didn’t change much in the way the OpenBOM team operates and in the way OpenBOM product is built.
In the last several weeks, I’ve been thinking about how our life and the world is going to change and what can do it about it. I decided to start a video blog as I felt it can help me to speak directly to OpenBOM users and customers, which will help to share more about what OpenBOM does and how you can OpenBOM more efficiently.
At OpenBOM, we are helping engineers and manufacturing companies to build better products faster, more efficiently with the expected cost. OpenBOM is an online (SaaS) product available globally. And, this is my first welcome video blog…
Don’t judge me too hard, the first video blog is mostly experiment and I will do more in the coming days. Tell me more about the format of the blog, materials and demos and anything else you want to hear from me.
I’m bringing a new video blog to help me to talk to OpenBOM users and customers directly. During these strange times of social distancing and isolation, I felt it is more important than ever. Talk to you soon…
Best, Oleg
Check what OpenBOM can do today subscribing to OpenBOM here or request a trial version.
Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
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