Introducing OpenBOM’s New Partner: OnCAD

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
25 June, 2024 | 3 min for reading
Introducing OpenBOM’s New Partner: OnCAD

At OpenBOM, we are committed to enhancing our customers’ experiences by forming strategic partnerships with companies that provide deep knowledge of local business environments and country-specific nuances. This approach allows us to deliver tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our diverse clientele. 

This week, we are thrilled to introduce our newest partner, OnCAD, a company known for its exceptional expertise in cloud-based technologies and its deep understanding of complex engineering and manufacturing environments in the DACH region—Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Local Expertise for Global Success

One of the cornerstones of OpenBOM’s strategy is to collaborate with partners who are familiar with the local business landscapes of the regions they serve. OnCAD is a great example of this approach. With deep roots in working with different manufacturing companies in a DACH region, OnCAD brings invaluable insights into the specific challenges and opportunities that businesses in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland encounter. 

This local expertise ensures that our customers receive solutions that are not only technically advanced but also specifically tuned to the regulatory, cultural, and operational peculiarities of their respective markets.

Exceptional Cloud-Based Technology Experience

OnCAD’s team stands out for its extensive experience in leveraging cloud-based technologies to drive business transformation. Their proficiency in this area aligns perfectly with OpenBOM’s vision of a digital-thread platform with cloud-native PDM & PLM capabilities. By partnering with OnCAD, we are confident that our customers will benefit from state-of-the-art cloud solutions that enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and drive innovation.

Mastery of Complex Engineering and Manufacturing Environments

The engineering and manufacturing sectors are inherently complex, requiring sophisticated solutions to manage intricate workflows and data structures. OnCAD’s deep experience in these industries makes them an ideal partner for OpenBOM. Their expertise in handling complex CAD integrations and xBOM (extended Bill of Materials) management will enable our customers to seamlessly integrate their design, engineering, and manufacturing processes. This integration is crucial for achieving greater efficiency, reducing errors, and accelerating time-to-market.

Looking Ahead

We are excited about the potential of our partnership with OnCAD and the value it will bring to our customers. Together, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that address the unique needs of businesses in different countries and vertical markets. Our collaboration with OnCAD is just the beginning, and we look forward to establishing more partnerships that combine local expertise with industry-leading technology to help our customers succeed in the global marketplace.


Our partnership with OnCAD represents a significant step forward in our mission to provide unparalleled solutions to our customers. We are confident that this collaboration will drive innovation, efficiency, and growth for businesses in the DACH region and beyond. Stay tuned as we continue to expand our network of partners, bringing you the best of local knowledge and advanced technology to support your business objectives.

For more information about our partnership with OnCAD or to explore how OpenBOM can benefit your organization, please visit our website or contact our team directly via this OnCAD – OpenBOM link. Together, let’s build a smarter, more connected future for engineering and manufacturing.

Best, Oleg

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