Nothing stands still in this world, change is the only constant. This old pearl of wisdom also applies to engineering and manufacturing. Once something is designed chances are you will keep changing it. Even a new product will sometimes be created as a copy of an existing one with some changes applied.
Today, I want to give you a short introduction of OpenBOM change history and revision mechanism. There are three fundamental parts of OpenBOM revision mechanism:
1- OpenBOM keeps the full history of all changes. Everything is traceable and discoverable;
2- OpenBOM allows you to create a baseline (revision)– an immutable snapshot of a BOM;
3- Change report. You can create a report with a list of changes that were made in a BOM between revisions.
The following video can give you an idea of how OpenBOM change and revision management mechanism works.
Change management is a fundamental mechanism of OpenBOM. What is unique in OpenBOMO is a mechanism to capture change history. Most of the systems in engineering, manufacturing such as PDM and PLM can preserve a snapshot of relationships between revisions. OpenBOM collaborative real-time data management mechanism allows you to store and trace every single change.
I hope you find it useful. Try how OpenBOM change mechanism works. Register for FREE user subscription here.
Best, Oleg
PS. Let’s get to know each other better. If you live in the Greater Boston area, I invite you for a coffee together (coffee is on me). If not nearby, let’s have a virtual coffee session — I will figure out how to send you a real coffee.
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