One of the most unique features of OpenBOM is to support data sharing and collaboration. Think about something simple and powerful? This is exactly where OpenBOM is aiming with real-time instant data sharing and simultaneous editing.
Because of unique data management architecture, you can instantly share OpenBOM bill of materials and catalogs with anybody without losing control of data. The last one is important. Any system can extract data in a spreadsheet and email it to somebody else. But it will turn data in a silo and you will be focusing on data syncing. OpenBOM is different – we share data with the right level of control.
BOMs, Catalogs, Order BOMs and all related information is shareable instantly (a-la Google Sheet) and can be edited simultaneously by multiple people. It allows for faster change management and coordination. Data can be shared using the account email or using Team Views if Team subscription is enabled.
Share dialog is controlling who can access data and what is the level of access – read-only, edit, or user-defined view.

In the following video, I’m demonstrating how BOM can be shared and edited.
OpenBOM gives you a very simple and powerful option to share data instantly and edit data simultaneously. In a modern manufacturing environment, the team is located in different places. OpenBOM service is invaluable for your engineers, manufacturing team, managers and customers to support agile fast processes.
Check OpenBOM today by registering for FREE user subscription today.
Best, Oleg
PS. Let’s get to know each other better. If you live in the Greater Boston area, I invite you for a coffee together (coffee is on me). If not nearby, let’s have a virtual coffee session — I will figure out how to send you a real coffee.
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