As your team grows, you need to bring methods to govern both data and processes in your product development organizations. For a small team, you need to be able to share data efficiently and collaborate. This is what the OpenBOM Team subscription does and I described it in my previous article. However, for a larger organization, you cannot rely on a simple collaboration to maintain data integrity and govern changes.
The goal of OpenBOM subscription is to add a mechanism for better data governance and the ability to organize a business process to perform formal change management control. These are the two most important elements of Company Subscription services. The core element of company subscription is change management and collaborative approval workflow mechanisms which allow you to run the process for ECO, MCO and introduce a formal control.
Company Catalogs
The mechanism of company catalogs is usually overlooked, but it should not be, because it brings a structured way to control part number uniqueness across multiple catalogs. Inclusion of catalogs in the list of company catalogs allows you to control the uniqueness of part numbers and be alerted of the introduction of duplicated part numbers by someone else. And OpenBOM will immediately alert you about such a breach of Part Number uniqueness.
Change Management and Approval Workflows
Change management and configuration control for product development, manufacturing, supply chain, and contract manufacturing companies. You get everything you need from a simple yet powerful PLM system, flexible data model and change orders, change requests, notifications, and powerful data-sharing capabilities.
OpenBOM introduced the first collaboration change management system including the following elements:
- Change Request and Change Orders
- Approval Business Rules
- Collaborative Sign-off mechanism for Change Orders.

You can check for more information about it in the OpenBOM Documentation – Advanced Change Management. The picture above shows you the overall data and process flow.
Advanced Security
OpenBOM Company subscription includes a multi-factor security system allowing you to set up an additional application to support you with a 2-factor login process.
For a company or team looking for PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) solution, the OpenBOM company subscription gives a simple yet powerful and flexible solution to organize data and processes to control lifecycle management and changes including collaborative approval workflow and sign-off dashboard.
REGISTER FOR FREE and start a 14-day company free trial to check out how OpenBOM works.
Best, Oleg
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