Integration with engineering software (CAD) was on the priority list from the first day we founded OpenBOM. Getting seamless integration with CAD systems and having the ability to extract data, items, bills of materials, and files and upload this information to OpenBOM has proven to be a huge differentiating factor and a source of optimization for many engineers and manufacturing companies.
OpenBOM CAD Integrations
Check the OpenBOM Integration page on our website to see a list of available integrations – these are ready-to-go integrations with popular systems such as Autodesk Inventor, Fusion 360 Dassault Systems SolidWorks, PTC Onshape, and many others.
OpenBOM’s one-click integration with CAD systems gives customers an easy way to map data from CAD design and seamlessly create BOMs in OpenBOM, classifying items by catalogs, automatically uploading CAD files, and creating derivatives (STEP, PDF) and uploading them to the OpenBOM cloud.
OpenBOM for PTC Creo
I’m excited to share the news that OpenBOM is developing Creo integration to provide a seamless data extraction process and connection to CAD information from Creo. The functional scope of the integration will be very similar to the integrations we provide for other systems.
However, each system has its own tweaks and specific needs. Therefore, OpenBOM would like to work with our customers to share what we do and ask for your feedback and comments. It will allow us to deliver a better product and focus on the right priority.
Early Adopters
We are looking forward to sharing PTC Creo integration with our customers. In the meantime, we are looking for early adopters who will be able to make a sacrifice and test our early builds of PTC Creo with OpenBOM. As a sign of appreciation, we will be able to provide you with OpenBOM for Creo with special conditions and terms.
OpenBOM Drive
If you haven’t heard about OpenBOM Drive, please check it out now. Drive is file-agnostic and you will be able to use Drive services with PTC Creo files to support PDM functions (check-out/check-in), 3D Viewer, and design collaboration.
I’m excited to share that OpenBOM for PTC Creo is coming and it will be available soon for early access. We are looking for early adopters to check what we did and provide us with feedback that will be included in the product asap. So, you have a great reason to come and help us, because it will be yours very soon.
REGISTER FOR OpenBOM and start a 14-day trial. Then contact us via email. Put ***Creo Trial*** in the subject.
Best, Oleg
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