In this video, I talk about Product Lifecycle Management and how we build OpenBOM PLM differently on pure SaaS foundation. I also, briefly introduce you to a new OpenBOM collaborative change process.
Product Lifecycle management for many years associated with large manufacturing companies and management of complex processes from early ideation and design to final maintenance, support and disposal, and re-manufacturing. I’ve been sharing tons of my thoughts about Product Lifecycle Management in my Beyond PLM blog.
At OpenBOM, we observed the trend of democratizing PLM and seeing smaller companies are looking for PLM as a solution to manage their processes. But, the traditional PLM is very little help to these companies usually with much IT budget, working across multiple teams distributed in multiple locations, often working with many designs and manufacturing contractors and suppliers.
OpenBOM is built from the beginning on top of SaaS data management infrastructure helping manufacturing companies to connect to design and engineering systems, managing the Bill of Materials records, revisions, and changes.
Last Friday, we rolled out a new OpenBOM release with new functionality to manage the change process, release, and approvals. Read more about it here – OpenBOM: Change Management and Change Request.
At OpenBOM, we are looking how to simplify the product development and manufacturing processes and help companies to manage data and change processes. A new change management function extends existing BOM, revision, and change track mechanisms in OpenBOM by providing a new company change approval process.
Check our how OpenBOM helps thousands of users and manufacturing companies to streamline data management, processes, and escape the legacy of Excel spreadsheets.
Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
Want to learn more about PLM? Check out my Beyond PLM blog and PLM Book website
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