In my video today, I want to talk about simplicity. Many years ago, I had a customer who asked me to pack all sets of complex features we developed for him under a simple button. I did it and we won the deal. Back 20 years ago, I’ve got a strange set of feelings about it and I kept researching more about the value of simplicity.
An interesting data point mentioned by SMU in the article by Nicola Watts – The value of simplicity.
In its seventh year, the study is based on an online survey of more than 14,000 respondents across nine countries: US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Mainland China, Japan, India and others. Respondents rated 857 brands and 25 industries on their perceived simplicity and how industries and brands make people’s lives simpler or more complex!
The findings are compelling:
- Simplicity earns a premium: 64% of consumers are willing to pay more for simpler experiences.
- Simplicity builds loyalty: 61% of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand because it’s simple.
- Simplicity pays: A stock portfolio of the simplest global brands outperforms the major indexes by 433%.
- Simplicity inspires: 62% of employees at simple companies are brand champions compared to a paltry 20% at more complex companies.
At OpenBOM we’re focusing on how to make complex things simple. It starts from no installation, servers, and applications available in the browser, data sharing, extracting data from CAD systems, and many other things.
Yet, getting data from CAD systems with no manual configuration is tough. We are making the next step to improve it. After working with 1000s of our users and customers, we found a way how to make a single “One-Click” BOM button for CAD add-ins. All sophisticated features OpenBOM has will stay there as well, but for users, it gives a super-easy way to start using OpenBOM. Honestly, for many of them, it is also the place to stay.
Watch the video:
OpenBOM gives you a flexibility to customize parts and part instance information on a granular level by defining properties for parts (in catalogs) and instances (in BOMs). In such a way, OpenBOM gives you the power to create the most sophisticated data models for products you’re developing.
Check OpenBOM now by registering an account here.
Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
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