In this video, I talk about the Bill of Materials and Purchasing. For many companies a purchasing process is a messy combination of Excels extracted from the CAD system, manually created purchase orders and information about vendors. OpenBOM Design to Purchase process helps you to organize information about the Bill of Materials, Vendors, Cost, and Stock into a seamless and manageable activity.
Check out my video and the article about OpenBOM Design to Purchase in OpenBOM Training Library.
For many manufacturing companies, the purchasing process is a combination of Excels and Emails. To prevent your next purchasing nightmare, think about how to organize the Bill of Materials of the product, vendor information, cost, stock information into a manageable process. OpenBOM Design to Purchase process can do it for you. Check out here.
Otherwise, register to OpenBOM for free here and try these two mechanisms with your real-data.
Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
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