In this video, I speak about why we started OpenBOM and what is the foundation of OpenBOM vision and strategy.
A short summary of my points:
1- How companies and teams work together – everything is connected and distributed.
2- Technology and PLM system architecture – from a single database to multi-tenant systems
3- Intelligence and decision making. How to help manufacturing companies to make an intelligent decision about what suppliers to use? What contactor to work with and what parts to buy. And how to make it as easy as your Amazon shopping these days.
Check the video and let me know what do you think?
The truth is that we can move from old legacy PLMs and Excels to modern, SaaS systems. It is available and you can do it in less that 15 min. Are you still using Excels to get you data from CAD system, calculate cost and plan purchase? Check how OpenBOM customers do it OpenBOM story.
Check what OpenBOM can do today subscribing to OpenBOM here or request a trial version.
Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
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