Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. This is my favorite statement by Leonardo Da Vinci. When we thought about OpenBOM for the first time, our vision was to mix the complexity of the PLM and BOM management environment with the simplicity of data editing and manipulation of Excel (or Google Spreadsheets). At OpenBOM, we are obsessed with the simplification of traditional PLM environments. We created OpenBOM collaborative user experience, which helps everyone to work together faster and more efficiently.
OpenBOM Grid Improvements
It is the very first public preview of the OpenBOM grid user interface and copy/ paste capabilities. Here is the deal… OpenBOM’s engineering team have been working hard to bring a new level of editing and collaboration. We are improving OpenBOM collaborative grid editing capability to make it faster and more powerful.

In this short video, you can see the first preview of coming improvements in OpenBOM’s grid editing capabilities
- faster editing
- copy/paste arrays of data
- multiple image copy / paste
- multiple types of data copy /paste

The image above gives you an idea of how much easier it will be to manage data now using new grid capabilities (which will be coming soon online).
Video Demo
Please watch the following video to give you a first impression of what is coming and how new grid editing capabilities in OpenBOM will simplify your everyday life of editing BOMs.
What is my conclusion?
Simplicity is a powerful thing. Think about multiple layers of complexity, which are included in a simple grid provided by OpenBOM. You have (1) Item editing; (2) BOM editing; (3) custom attribute; (4) calculations; (5) revisions and (6) sourcing. All these functions including full data modeling complexity are placed in a single OpenBOM collaborative editing user interface capable of providing near “Excel” speed and near “Google Spreadsheet” capabilities, while managing a full complexity of product structure and BOM data model. Check this out, I’m sure you will like it.
REGISTER FOR FREE and start a 14-day trial to check how OpenBOM can help you and your team today.
Best, Oleg
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