We are working on a new OpenBOM user interface. I had a chance to give you my early heads up about this project in our blog. If you missed that, please check out this article – New OpenBOM UI/UX.
Today, I want to share the very first video of the new OpenBOM look and feel. I hope you will like it.
With this new user interface, we are going to introduce a few additional user experience improvements. Among them, we will bring a supercompact layout to minimize the user interface controls and maximize the space used for BOMs with compact row and headers. This feature was requested by many of our customers and I hope you will like it.
The new OpenBOM look and feel is coming. We are very much excited about graphic improvements as well as new features coming together with it. I hope a short video gets you some idea of what is coming. Tell us what do you think. Share your dreams about how the OpenBOM user interface and user experience can be improved.
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Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
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