VIDEO: How OpenBOM SOLIDWORKS Add-in Templates Can Save Tons of Time

Oleg Shilovitsky
Oleg Shilovitsky
12 June, 2020 | 1 min for reading
VIDEO: How OpenBOM SOLIDWORKS Add-in Templates Can Save Tons of Time

In this video, we demonstrate how to create a template in OpenBOM and use it in OpenBOM Solidworks Add-in. 

The idea of templates is about how to deal with repetitive projects you might have in your organization. Let’s say you create a new project using OpenBOM, created Bill of Materials, rollup, calculations, etc. Everything is set up in the way you need it to be. When you get another project, you need to repeat all these tasks again. You want to create a BOM for the second project. 

It would be much easier if you could have been saving all settings, property configurations, etc. and placing it in the template that you can simply give to OpenBOM For CAD integration setting. In the video below, you can see it is done. 

The OpenBOM template mechanism is not integrated with Solidworks CAD add-ins solves the problem. Watch the video to see how it can work. 


When you have repetitive projects, templates save tons of time. Because you can use all settings you did once – BOM, catalogs, formulas, etc. to use it to create a similar BOM from another CAD assembly.  You don’t need to spend time to configure the project again. A template allows you to repeat all this work literally in minutes. Saves tons of time.  

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Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.

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