This week’s webinar is about my favorite topic – the core data model of OpenBOM called Reference-Instance Model, which allows managing product data and product structure in the most simple, yet powerful and reliable way.
There are 5 lessons in this webinar:
Lesson #1 – Let’s make a BOM of parts? (two skateboards, 4 and 6 wheel variants)
Lesson #2 – Creating an “instance” of common and uncommon items (in a Catalog)
Lesson #3 – (Re)using items(s) in a BOM
Lesson #4 – Controlling how/when BOMs update
Lesson #5 – Driving updates down through purchasing
Don’t miss this video:
And also a slide deck.
Webinar #28 – OpenBOM for Autodesk Inventor from Oleg Shilovitsky<
OpenBOM Reference-Instance model allows you to create a set of catalogs to manage a database of all items used in products and instantiate these items in a variety of Bill of Materials. This simple yet powerful paradigm allows full customization freedom on both reference and instance level for the most flexible data modeling. In my next blog, I will explain why the OpenBOM reference-instance model is a foundation for a modern distributed source of truth. Stay tuned.
Check all OpenBOM webinars here.
Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
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