I’m always saying BOM is teamwork. A single person doesn’t do a BOM. A mechanical engineer can do his work, PCB design can do his. But somebody should get access to this Bill of Materials for purchasing. Contractors should get it as well, including STEP files and sales should get it to know what features are in the product. But, you don’t want contractors to see the prices.
It sounds challenging and it is not a simple thing. It is good to form some ideas and best practices on how to organize it and who should have access to BOM information. This is a topic for our BOM educational webinar this week.
Subject: Sharing your BOM on its way through your organization. Who gets what?
Wed, Dec 18, 2019 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST
Join OpenBOM Director of User experience Steve Hess as we take a look at how data flows from your BOM to and through others in your organization. How to control access and share to particular roles in a way that ensures only certain people see certain data, no more, no less. Have a vendor who should not see Cost, we will cover that. Only want your Sheet Metal fab to see Sheet Metal parts, we will cover that too. Please bring your questions.
To have any person get access to the right data at the right time. It sounds simple, but it is very complex. Learn about best practices on how to do so from our professionals during our weekly BOM Education Webinar.
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Best, Oleg @ openbom dot com.
Let’s get to know each other better. If you live in the Greater Boston area, I invite you for a coffee together (coffee is on me). If not nearby, let’s have a virtual coffee session — I will figure out how to send you a real coffee.
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