OpenBOM Helps Kapsch BusinessCom To Manage Sales Process For Configurable Custom Developed Products Reducing Engineering Time by 30%


Vienna, Austria’s Kapsch BusinessCom has over twenty years of successfully implementing international projects quickly and easily, making global presence possible for their clients. All of us at OpenBOM are happy to partner with them as they lead their clients’ success globally.

Roland Ambrosch is the company’s Head of Digital Factory and leads the Digital Manufacturing group at Kapsch. He is a driving force in the company’s digital services both internally and as it flows through to their clients.

“Connecting machines and IT systems digitally to optimize manufacturing industries is what we do”, he says.

Kapsch equipment spans the digital spectrum from manufacturing and production equipment to hi-rez digital cameras for quality, validation, and process enforcement.

“Kapsch BusinessCom clients are the leading manufacturers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland; and represent paper, steel, electronics, oil & gas, and discrete manufacturing and process industries,” he says. “Mondi and RHI to name a few.”

“We build complex multi-discipline products that include cameras, computing servers, cooling systems, software, and visual systems, comprised of custom-designed components and common off-the-shelf items. “ says Roland. 

“This is precisely where OpenBOM comes in,” he says.

Kapsch relies heavily on OpenBOM in the presales cycle.

According to Roland, “We create a product-specific set of OpenBOM templates so our pre-sale engineers can start with a pre-defined, repeatable, standardized set of BOM templates then build out the customer’s specific requirements from there.”

By utilizing OpenBOM’s template feature, Kapsch can ensure they include every single line item in a product BOM from the start, then configure it for the customer’s specific needs.

“The templates allow us to prepopulate the standard product definition in the BOM, then scale and configure for our specific customer needs,” says Roland. “It greatly reduces errors, saves a tremendous amount of time, and ensures that we always provide an accurate pre-sale quote to the customer.”

Roland’s job is to ensure there are no surprises as the product goes into full-scale manufacturing at Kapsch.

“But we use OpenBOM for much more than a BOM calculation tool, we rely on OpenBOM to enforce our company standards and ensure pre-sales accuracy,” he says.

“With OpenBOM, we know all our costs, we know our margins and can reliably calculate our selling price.”

Kapsch uses OpenBOM for more than a pre-sales tool…..

The Kapsch Engineering team relies on OpenBOM to capture every calculation along the way.

“Whenever a calculation is done we use OpenBOM’s Revision function to make a revision for traceability, that way we can always return to any state of the design and see how a particular project was calculated from start to shipment, it’s all in the BOM’s history of Revisions.”

Finally, when it’s time to order components, Kapsch exports the BOM to a CSV file that their purchasing group easily imports to their ERP.

“OpenBOM has reduced our engineering time by 30% and significantly increased my teams’ effectiveness,” says Roland.

“Prior to OpenBOM, we struggled with multi-level Excel files which stifled our collaboration, now we make pre-sales quote or BOM updates from anywhere by anyone.”

“OpenBOM has unlocked my groups’ ability to work on multiple levels of the BOM simultaneously while OpenBOM multi-level formulas allow for synchronization of big calculations and saves hours over Excel.” 

Roland likes how OpenBOM reduces time and mistakes thereby reducing the overall risk of any project.

“It’s simple, the most important factor is quality and reliability, which translate into fewer mistakes and lower cost.”

To learn more about Kapsch BusinessCom international please visit: learn more about OpenBOM please visit

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